About Leslie

Leslie is the proud founder of Journeys of the Heart Wellness Adventures & Retreats – a company intent on inspiring people to travel with all their heart.

Meet Leslie, a seasoned traveler whose wanderlust was ignited at a tender age of 6 when she took her first solo flight. From that moment on, her bags became her constant companions, accompanying her on a journey that traversed continents and cultures.

Leslie's formative years were a tapestry of diverse experiences. From summers in Scotland to stays in British Columbia, her upbringing instilled in her a profound appreciation for other languages and cultures. It was in the small town of Ajijic, Mexico, where Leslie learned the invaluable lessons of resilience, adaptability and confidence, laying the foundation for her future endeavors.

Returning to the United States, Leslie pursued her passion for hospitality, delving into the intricacies of worldwide travel and tourism. Over the years, she honed her expertise while working for some of the most successful travel agencies in Sonoma County, California, and beyond.

In 2021, amid the challenges of the pandemic, Leslie experienced a profound shift, embracing yoga, self-care, and wellness as integral aspects of her journey. This newfound perspective, combined with her unwavering love for travel, led her to create her own venture, Journeys of the Heart, where she curates transformative experiences for her clients focused on finding balance and embracing self care.

Leslie's bicultural upbringing infuses her worldview with a unique lens, shaping her belief that travel should be more than a mere destination—it should be a soul-stirring encounter that leaves an indelible mark. Today, as a Travel Advisor for All Cruise Travel and Tours and a retreat leader for Journeys of the Heart, Leslie continues to inspire others to embark on meaningful journeys. Residing in Healdsburg, California, she cherishes her time spent with family, indulges in her passions for horseback riding and skiing, and finds solace on the yoga mat, embodying a life fueled by adventure, wellness, and heartfelt connections.

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